Lantana Recovery
A modern, community-based approach to addiction treatment for Men and Women in Charleston, SC

Writing About Addiction: Expressing Experiences and Raising Awareness

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Writing About Addiction_ Expressing Experiences and Raising Awareness

Writing About Addiction: Expressing Experiences and Raising Awareness

Addiction is a complex and pervasive issue that affects individuals and society as a whole. It is crucial to gain a better understanding of what addiction is and its various types. Addiction can be defined as a chronic disease characterized by compulsive drug or substance use despite detrimental consequences. Common types of addiction include substance abuse, such as alcohol or drugs, as well as behavioral addictions, such as gambling or internet addiction. The impact of addiction extends beyond the individual, causing significant social, economic, and health-related consequences for society.

Writing about addiction can make a profound difference in raising awareness and breaking the stigma surrounding this issue. Sharing personal experiences with addiction holds immense power in helping others understand the challenges, struggles, and triumphs that individuals face on their journey to recovery. Personal narratives provide a human element to addiction, allowing readers to empathize and relate to the experiences shared. By giving a voice to these stories, writers contribute to a greater understanding of addiction and foster a sense of connection and support within the community.

When writing about addiction, it is essential to choose the right medium and approach that align with your goals and audience. Reflecting on personal experiences allows for authenticity and honesty in your writing. Creating compelling narratives involves capturing the emotions, conflicts, and transformations associated with addiction. By sharing stories of resilience, hope, and recovery, writers can educate, inspire, and empower others who may be facing similar struggles.

Writing has the potential to play a key role in raising awareness about addiction. It can serve as a powerful tool for educating and informing the public about the causes, consequences, and treatment options for addiction. Advocacy strategies, such as writing articles, organizing events, and collaborating with organizations, can amplify the impact of your writing and generate broader awareness about the issue. Addressing myths, misconceptions, and stereotypes associated with addiction helps to dispel stigma and foster empathy and understanding.

For writers interested in exploring addiction as a subject, there are numerous support groups, writing communities, and resources available. Joining writing communities and support groups provides a safe and supportive space to share your work, gain feedback, and connect with fellow writers who have similar experiences. Seeking professional help and guidance from therapists, counselors, or writing coaches can offer valuable insights and support. Resources for research and fact-checking ensure that your writing is accurate, reliable, and evidence-based.

Understanding Addiction and its Impact

Understanding addiction and its impact is essential in addressing this issue and providing effective support and treatment. When it comes to addiction, there are key points to consider:

  • Addiction is a chronic disease that affects the brain’s reward system, leading to compulsive behaviors despite negative consequences. It is characterized by the inability to control substance use or engage in harmful behaviors.
  • Addiction has profound physical and psychological effects. Substance abuse can cause organ damage, cognitive impairment, mental health disorders, and an increased risk of accidents or violence.
  • Addiction can strain relationships, lead to social isolation, impact academic or professional performance, and result in legal issues and financial instability.
  • Addiction affects individuals from all walks of life, regardless of age, gender, or socioeconomic status. It is a global issue with significant societal and economic costs.
  • Addiction has a ripple effect on family members, causing emotional distress, disrupting family dynamics, and increasing the risk of addiction in children.
  • Addiction places a significant burden on healthcare systems, including treatment costs, emergency services, and long-term care. By understanding the impact of addiction, we can better inform policy and allocate resources.
  • Recovery is possible with appropriate treatment and support services. Treatment options may include medication, therapy, support groups, and lifestyle changes.
  • Understanding addiction and its impact is crucial for prevention efforts. Education about risk factors, early intervention, and destigmatizing addiction are essential in reducing its prevalence.

By comprehending the nature of addiction and its consequences, we can work towards creating a society that supports individuals affected by addiction and promotes their overall well-being.

What is Addiction?

Addiction, also known as addictive disorder, is a chronic brain disease that is characterized by compulsive substance use or engaging in behavior despite negative consequences. It is important to note that addiction is not a lack of willpower or moral failing. When an individual becomes addicted, they struggle to control their impulses and resist the rewards associated with their addiction. This can have significant detrimental effects on both their physical and mental health, as well as their relationships and overall well-being.

Addiction can manifest itself in various forms, including substance addictions such as drugs or alcohol, as well as behavioral addictions like gambling or excessive internet usage. Regardless of the specific addiction, it can lead to a range of problems including physical health issues, mental health disorders, financial difficulties, and strain in relationships. Moreover, addiction also contributes to higher crime rates, loss of productivity, burdens on healthcare systems, and increased social inequality, as proposed by United Nations International Drug Control Programme (UNDCP) in a research study titled The Social Imapct of Drug Abuse.

In order to effectively support and intervene in addiction cases, it is crucial to have a deep understanding of what addiction truly is. By promoting education and awareness, we can help reduce the stigma surrounding addiction, encourage early intervention, and foster empathy and compassion for those who are struggling with addiction.

Common Types of Addiction

The common types of addiction, including substance addiction, behavioral addiction, food addiction, gaming addiction, and sexual addiction, can have serious physical, psychological, and social consequences.

  • Substance addiction refers to addiction to drugs or alcohol.
  • Behavioral addiction is characterized by the inability to control a behavior despite negative consequences, such as gambling addiction, internet addiction, and compulsive shopping.
  • Food addiction involves having a compulsive relationship with food, often leading to binge eating and loss of control, as a coping mechanism for emotional distress.
  • Gaming addiction is characterized by excessive and compulsive use of video games, which can have negative effects on physical and mental health, relationships, and daily functioning.
  • Sexual addiction refers to a persistent and escalating pattern of sexual behavior that is difficult to control, leading to relationship problems, work disruptions, and a loss of self-esteem.

It is important to note that addiction is a complex issue, and individuals may struggle with multiple types of addiction simultaneously. Understanding the common types of addiction can help create awareness and promote effective prevention and treatment strategies.

The Impact of Addiction on Individuals and Society

The impact of addiction on individuals and society is profound. It not only affects those struggling with addiction but also has repercussions on their families, friends, workplaces, and communities. Addiction can have detrimental effects on both physical and mental health, exacerbating existing issues and causing new ones. Substance abuse can lead to liver damage, heart problems, and mental illnesses like depression and anxiety.

In addition to its impact on health, addiction strains relationships, causing conflicts, breaking trust, and hindering communication. Family members and friends of those struggling with addiction experience emotional distress and face financial burdens as they provide support.

Furthermore, substance abuse has significant financial consequences. Individuals battling addiction often spend substantial amounts of money to sustain their habit, leading to financial instability, job loss, and even bankruptcy. Such financial instability not only affects individuals but also impacts community productivity.

Addiction can also lead to legal issues, with individuals facing arrests, incarceration, and involvement in criminal activities. This places a burden on the legal system and carries long-term consequences for both individuals and society.

Moreover, substance abuse contributes to increased crime rates and jeopardizes community safety. The production and distribution of illegal drugs often result in violence, perpetuating the cycle of addiction and endangering communities.

Individuals facing addiction often experience stigma and discrimination, which hinders their access to essential healthcare and support services. Especially, the moral stigma surrounding addiction frames it as a sin or a moral failing. Negative attitudes surrounding addiction discourage individuals from seeking help, further exacerbating the impact on their well-being.

To address the impact of addiction, it is crucial to promote education, raise awareness, and provide resources for prevention, treatment, and recovery. Communities should prioritize reducing the stigma associated with addiction, ensure accessible healthcare services, and implement evidence-based strategies to support affected individuals and families.

Remember, by understanding the impact of addiction and offering support, we can contribute to the creation of a healthier and more compassionate society.

The Power of Personal Narratives

The power of personal narratives in addiction is profound. Sharing their experiences, individuals who struggled with addiction inspire and connect with others, fostering empathy and understanding. Personal narratives generate empathy by humanizing addiction and allowing others to relate and empathize with the challenges faced. These stories also break down stigmas and misconceptions surrounding addiction.

Personal narratives encourage hope and motivation by sharing journeys of sobriety, motivating others to seek help and believe in their own ability to overcome addiction. They provide support by creating a sense of community and showing individuals struggling with addiction that they are not alone. Reading or hearing about someone who has endured similar experiences offers comfort, validation, and insights into coping mechanisms and resources.

Personal narratives educate and inform by shedding light on the realities of addiction and dispelling myths about it. They can also inspire change by advocating for better addiction treatment and support systems, motivating individuals, communities, and policymakers to take action. In raising awareness, cultivating empathy, and inspiring change in the perception and treatment of addiction, personal narratives are a vital tool. Their power lies in their ability to touch hearts, change minds, and promote healing and recovery.

Writing about addiction can be a powerful therapeutic tool that expedites the healing process, according to a research paper published in the Journal of Poetry Therapy by Limor Pinhasi-Vittorio titled Writing, sharing, and healing: the interplay of literacy in the healing journey of the recovering from substance abuse . By putting thoughts and emotions onto paper, individuals grappling with addiction can gain clarity, confront suppressed feelings, and break the cycle of denial.

Writing allows them to explore the root causes of their struggles, process traumas, and identify triggers, fostering self-awareness and promoting personal growth. Moreover, it provides a safe outlet to express the raw and complex emotions associated with addiction, leading to a greater sense of understanding, acceptance, and ultimately, paving the way towards recovery and healing.

Why Share Personal Experiences with Addiction?

Sharing personal experiences with addiction is crucial for several reasons. It helps to break the stigma surrounding addiction by highlighting its complex nature and challenging misconceptions. Sharing personal stories also provides hope and inspiration for others grappling with similar struggles, demonstrating that recovery is possible and they are not alone.

Additionally, sharing personal experiences raises awareness about the realities of addiction, which in turn leads to increased support and resources for prevention, treatment, and recovery programs. It is imperative to be honest, respectful, and mindful of confidentiality when sharing personal experiences. Providing accurate information and avoiding generalizations is also vital. Through responsible sharing of personal experiences, individuals can help reduce the stigma associated with addiction and aid others on their journey to recovery.

There are several ways to share personal experiences, such as writing blog posts or articles, speaking at events or support groups, participating in interviews, and connecting with advocacy organizations. Utilizing social media platforms and online communities can also facilitate reaching a broader audience and fostering meaningful discussions on addiction.

Expressing Experiences How to Write About Addiction

Expressing Experiences: How to Write About Addiction

Expressing the raw reality of addiction is not only a powerful act but also an important way to raise awareness. In this section, we’ll dive into how to write about addiction, offering insights on choosing the right medium and approach, reflecting on personal experiences, and crafting compelling narratives. By understanding these aspects, we can effectively communicate the complexities and impact of addiction, providing valuable support and perspective to those in need. Let’s uncover the art of expressing experiences through the written word.

Choosing the Right Medium and Approach

When writing about addiction, it’s important to choose the right medium and approach to effectively express your experiences and raise awareness. Consider the following factors:

  1. Target audience: Determine who you want to reach with your writing. Are you targeting individuals struggling with addiction, their families, or the general public? This will determine the tone, language, and style you should use.
  2. Writing mediums: There are various mediums to share your experiences, such as personal essays, blogs, articles, poems, or creating a podcast or video. Choose the medium that aligns best with your skills and the message you want to convey.
  3. Be authentic and reflective: Reflect on your personal experiences with addiction and find your unique voice. Share your story genuinely to connect with your audience.
  4. Educate and inspire: Use your writing to educate others about addiction and its impact. Share information, statistics, and research to raise awareness and break stigmas while motivating individuals to seek help.
  5. Engage your readers: Use storytelling techniques to create compelling narratives that resonate with your audience. Capture their attention with vivid descriptions, emotions, and relatable characters to evoke empathy and understanding.

Pro-tip: Remember that the goal is to create a positive impact and promote understanding. Be mindful of potential triggers and ensure your writing is sensitive and supportive.

Reflecting on Personal Experiences

Reflecting on personal experiences is a valuable tool in enhancing understanding of the addiction journey and fostering personal growth. When contemplating personal experiences with addiction, it is important to consider the following points:

  1. Self-awareness: Engaging in self-reflection enables a deeper awareness of one’s thoughts, emotions, and behaviors related to addiction. This introspection plays a crucial role in comprehending the underlying causes and triggers of addiction.
  2. Identifying patterns: Through the process of reflection, patterns that contributed to addiction can be recognized. This newfound knowledge is instrumental in developing effective coping strategies and implementing positive changes.
  3. Acceptance and forgiveness: The act of reflecting on personal experiences allows for self-acceptance and forgiveness. It involves acknowledging past mistakes and taking proactive steps towards healing and self-improvement.
  4. Empathy: Sharing personal experiences with addiction fosters empathy towards others who are also facing similar struggles. By openly discussing their own journey, individuals can provide much-needed support and offer a sense of hope to those who are grappling with addiction.
  5. Inspiring others: Reflection on personal experiences has the power to inspire and motivate others on their own recovery journey. By sharing stories of success and resilience, individuals can instill hope and provide much-needed encouragement to those who are seeking to overcome addiction.

Incorporating these practices of reflection into one’s personal journey with addiction can lead to profound personal growth and a deeper understanding of the path to recovery.

Creating Compelling Narratives

Creating compelling narratives is vital when writing about addiction. It allows readers to connect and understand the complexities of addiction. To create compelling narratives, reflect on personal experiences, capturing the emotions, struggles, and triumphs associated with addiction. Share personal stories to depict the challenges faced and the journey of recovery.

To enhance the narrative’s impact, use descriptive language that engages the reader. Strong verbs and sensory details bring the story to life. Also, incorporate dialogue for a dynamic and authentic narrative.

Maintaining a balanced perspective is critical when creating compelling narratives. While it’s important to share the difficulties of addiction, highlighting moments of hope, resilience, and personal growth is equally important. This creates a well-rounded and relatable narrative that resonates with readers.

Remember that personal narratives inspire and educate. By sharing personal experiences with addiction, individuals can break down stigmas, challenge misconceptions, and provide hope to others struggling. These narratives can also drive change and advocacy.

Fact: According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health for the year 2021, approximately 13.5% or Americans aged 12 or older had a substance use disorder or a mental heath illness in the past year.

Raising Awareness Writing and Advocacy

Raising Awareness: Writing and Advocacy

Writing and Advocacy are powerful tools to raise awareness about addiction and bring about positive change. In this section, we will explore how writing can be used as a means to educate and inform others about the realities of addiction. Additionally, we will discuss effective advocacy strategies that can amplify our voice and encourage a broader understanding of addiction. Lastly, we will address common myths and misconceptions surrounding addiction, shedding light on the truth to foster empathy and compassion.

Using Writing to Educate and Inform

Using writing as a means to educate and inform about addiction is a powerful tool for increasing awareness and promoting understanding. Here are some effective strategies to achieve this:

  1. Create informative articles and blog posts that offer factual information about addiction, encompassing its causes, effects, and various treatment options.
  2. Write educational guides or manuals that provide practical advice and strategies for both preventing and addressing addiction.
  3. Develop informative brochures or pamphlets that can be distributed to schools, community centers, or other relevant locations.
  4. Craft personal narratives or testimonials that share real-life experiences with addiction, aiming to humanize the issue and diminish stigma.
  5. Compile comprehensive research papers or literature reviews that analyze the latest studies and findings on addiction, therefore informing healthcare professionals and policymakers.

Pro-tip: When utilizing writing to educate and inform about addiction, it is important to present information in a clear and accessible manner. Utilize straightforward language, avoid jargon and technical terms whenever possible, and consider incorporating visual aids such as graphs or charts to enhance comprehension.

Advocacy Strategies for Raising Awareness

Advocacy strategies for raising awareness about addiction are crucial in addressing the impact on individuals and society. Here are some effective strategies to consider:

  1. Collaborate with organizations: Partner with reputable addiction-focused organizations to amplify your message and reach. By working together, you can raise awareness on a larger scale and advocate for change.
  2. Utilize social media platforms: Social media is a powerful tool for spreading awareness. Create compelling content that educates and informs about addiction, sharing statistics, personal stories, and resources. Engage with your audience and encourage them to share your content to reach a wider audience.
  3. Conduct educational campaigns: Organize campaigns to educate the public about addiction, its effects, and available resources. This can involve hosting workshops, seminars, or webinars where experts or individuals with lived experience can share insights and knowledge.
  4. Seek media coverage: Contact local media outlets to share your advocacy efforts and personal stories related to addiction. By gaining media coverage, you can raise awareness among a broader audience and reduce the stigma surrounding addiction.
  5. Advocate for policy change: Work with policymakers and legislators to support policies that address addiction prevention, treatment, and recovery. This may involve participating in legislative hearings, writing letters or emails, and meeting with elected officials to express concerns and recommendations.

By implementing these advocacy strategies, we can cultivate a better understanding of addiction, drive changes in society, and support individuals and families affected by this issue.

I witnessed the power of advocacy strategies for raising awareness when my sister struggled with addiction. Through collaboration with local organizations, we organized workshops at community centers to educate people about addiction and available resources. We utilized social media platforms to share powerful stories of recovery and spread the message further.

Our efforts caught the attention of local media, resulting in news coverage that generated public discussion and reduced the stigma associated with addiction. As a result, our advocacy led to increased support for addiction prevention, treatment, and recovery programs in our community. This experience taught me firsthand the impact of raising awareness and the importance of using advocacy strategies to address addiction effectively.

Addressing Myths and Misconceptions

Addressing myths and misconceptions about addiction is crucial in promoting accurate understanding and reducing stigma. Debunking false beliefs and providing factual information creates a more supportive environment for individuals affected by addiction. Here are some key points to consider:

  • Addiction is not a matter of willpower. It is a complex disease that affects the brain’s functioning, leading to compulsive behaviors and a loss of control.
  • Anyone can become addicted, regardless of age, gender, socioeconomic status, or background. Addiction does not discriminate.
  • Quitting addiction requires professional help, support, and a comprehensive treatment plan. It is not as simple as just wanting to stop.
  • Addiction is not a reflection of someone’s character. It is a medical condition. Stigmatizing individuals with addiction can hinder their recovery and discourage seeking help.
  • Extensive research has shown that addiction involves changes in the brain that affect decision-making and impulse control. It is recognized as a chronic disease by medical professionals.

By addressing these myths and misconceptions, we foster greater compassion and understanding towards those struggling with addiction. It is important to spread accurate information and promote a supportive and non-judgmental environment for individuals seeking help and recovery.

If you want to know about interesting addiction types, read our article about uncommon and intriguing compulsive behaviors.

Support and Resources for Writers

Support and Resources for Writers

Looking for support and resources to enhance your writing about addiction? We’ve got you covered! Dive into the world of writing communities and support groups, where you can connect with like-minded individuals who share your passion for impactful storytelling. Seeking professional help and guidance? Discover expert advice from experienced writers and addiction specialists. Need to fact-check your work? Unearth valuable resources for research and accurate information. Get ready to amplify your writing skills and raise awareness about addiction through the power of words. Let’s embark on this insightful journey together.

Writing Communities and Support Groups

Writing communities and support groups play a vital role in helping individuals navigate their addiction experiences and find solace in their writing journey. By joining a writing community, individuals are able to connect with like-minded people who comprehend the challenges posed by addiction. These communities provide a nurturing environment where writers can freely share their work, receive valuable feedback, and gain insights from peers who have faced similar struggles.

Tailored support groups for writers dealing with addiction offer a unique platform to share personal narratives and access resources for research. These groups serve as safe spaces, allowing writers to delve into their emotions, reflect on their experiences, and gather inspiration.

“Short writing exercises reliving happy moments boosted the moods of adults recovering from addiction,” reported a study conducted at Massachusetts General Hospital’s (MGH) Recovery Research Institute. (Do self-administered positive psychology exercises work in persons in recovery from problematic substance use? An online randomized survey, Hoeppner et al., 201)

Participating in a writing community or support group can greatly enhance writing skills and help individuals hone their storytelling techniques. Through workshops, group discussions, and collaborative projects, writers have the opportunity to improve their proficiency in expressing their addiction experiences and crafting compelling narratives.

To become a part of a writing community or support group, individuals can search for online platforms, social media groups, or local community centers. It is essential to seek out groups that foster a supportive and inclusive environment, provide constructive feedback, and encourage personal growth in writing.

It is important to remember that these communities and groups form a valuable network of individuals who understand the struggles of addiction and can offer guidance and encouragement throughout the writing journey.

Professional Help and Guidance

When dealing with addiction, seeking professional help and guidance is crucial. Professionals provide expertise and resources to navigate the complexities of addiction and work towards a healthier life.

  • Specialized knowledge and experience: Professional help ensures thorough assessments and customized treatment plans. Addiction professionals have extensive training and experience. They possess specialized knowledge about different treatment options, therapies, and support networks. Their expertise allows them to tailor a personalized approach to meet each person’s needs.
  • Individualized treatment plans: Professional help ensures thorough assessments and customized treatment plans. Factors like addiction severity, mental health issues, and personal circumstances are considered. This approach maximizes the chances of successful recovery and long-term sobriety.
  • Emotional support and guidance: Dealing with addiction can be emotionally challenging. Professionals offer a safe and non-judgmental space to explore thoughts and emotions. They provide emotional support and guidance, helping individuals gain insight and develop effective coping mechanisms.
  • Access to a network of support: Seeking professional help grants access to support groups, community resources, and others in recovery. This network provides valuable encouragement, accountability, and learning from others facing similar challenges.
  • Continuum of care: Professionals offer ongoing support throughout the recovery journey. They provide guidance in relapse prevention, strategies for maintaining sobriety, and support for addressing setbacks or obstacles.

Resources for Research and Fact-Checking

When writing about addiction, it is crucial to guarantee that the information presented is both accurate and reliable. Therefore, it is important to utilize various resources for research and fact-checking. These resources include reputable academic databases such as PubMed, JSTOR, or PsychINFO. These databases contain peer-reviewed studies and research articles on addiction that are written by experts in the field.

Additionally, government websites like the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) offer comprehensive reports, statistics, and research findings related to addiction. These websites are highly reliable and provide up-to-date information.

Nonprofit organizations specializing in addiction research and advocacy, such as the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) or the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (NCADD), also offer valuable resources and publications.

Furthermore, respected scholarly journals in the field of addiction, such as Drug and Alcohol Dependence or Addiction, provide in-depth analyses and findings from experts.

To ensure comprehensive coverage, refer to books written by renowned authors and experts in addiction studies. These books consolidate research and present evidence-based information on various aspects of addiction.

Lastly, conducting interviews with addiction counselors, psychologists, or medical practitioners who have expertise in addiction can provide valuable insights and knowledge.

By utilizing these resources for research and fact-checking purposes, you can ensure the accuracy and credibility of your writing about addiction.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How can I help someone with a drug addiction?

If you have a family member or friend with a drug addiction, it is important to take action and seek help. Start by observing their behavior and sharing your observations with other family members and friends. Determine who will talk to the person about getting help. Contact a substance use professional at Lantana Recovery outpatient Charleston rehab South Carolina or other helping professional to describe the substance use pattern and seek advice. 

2. What are the signs and symptoms of substance use?

Signs and symptoms of substance use include problems in work, health, family, finances, relationships, social functioning, legal issues, self-esteem, and self-respect. It is important to read about the signs and symptoms of substance use and observe the person’s behavior closely. This will help in recognizing the issue and taking appropriate action.

3. How should I raise the subject of addiction with someone?

When raising the subject of addiction with someone, choose a time when they are not under the influence and establish a time to talk when you can have a dialogue. Express your concern and list the behaviors you’ve observed without blaming or judging. It’s important to approach the conversation with love and support rather than confrontation.

4. What are the different addiction theories or paradigms?

There are different addiction theories or paradigms, including the biological model, adaptive/constructionist model, and narrative therapy. The biological model views addiction as a brain disease, while the adaptive/constructionist model emphasizes the role of environment and relationships in addiction. Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous use narrative therapy to address addiction as a disease.

5. What is the importance of qualitative analysis in understanding addiction experiences?

Qualitative analysis is important in understanding addiction experiences as it allows for a deep exploration of individuals’ lived experiences. It can provide insights into how addicted individuals view their addiction, the cultural stock of addiction stories, and the usefulness of different addiction models. By considering diverse experiences of addiction, practitioners can better tailor their approaches to help individuals on their recovery journey.

6. What are the warning signs of prescription drug abuse?

Warning signs of prescription drug abuse include going through medication faster than expected, using medication not prescribed for oneself, and specific signs for different types of prescription drugs. It is important to be aware of these signs, especially as prescription drug abuse, particularly with opioid painkillers, has become a growing problem.


Warren Phillips

Warren is a Licensed Master Social Worker, who specializes in substance abuse and mental health treatment. Clinically, Warren has developed a therapeutic skillset that utilizes a strengths-based perspective, Twelve Step philosophies, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Motivational Interviewing.

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