Lantana Recovery
A modern, community-based approach to addiction treatment for Men and Women in Charleston, SC

What Does Community Involvement Look Like in Recovery?

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What Does Community Involvement Look Like in Recovery?

Recovery is a process. Surviving addiction and navigating recovery requires having a community and a village. Community involvement helps you to reintegrate into society and merge your new normal and world with the one you are leaving behind. 

Treatment centers are usually the foundation of one’s recovery journey. It is important that they introduce the need and importance of community involvement. When you choose a life of sobriety, you are entering a world that is vastly different from the one you came from.

Although the world you are returning to is the same, you will be different within it. Lantana Recovery acknowledges this reality and incorporates community involvement. The opportunity to rebuild old and develop new connections in society can provide support networks that are tools for your journey.

A Whole New World: The Process of Recovery

Recovery is a process that requires change, support, and time. No one knows what recovery will look like until they begin the journey for themselves. This is a part of the beauty of recovery. You are entering a world that is unfamiliar to you and merging it with the old. 

There is no one-size-fits-all plan for treatment or guide to recovery. Treatment provides a safe space where you can hit the reset button on your life. Time allows you to pause and gain a healthy structure and schedule for your new normal. 

Programs that offer support in multiple capacities to encourage this much-needed change can help fortify your journey. Treatment facilities like Lantana Recovery offer support by way of staff, peers, and the connections you make in community involvement.

The Need for Community Involvement in Recovery

Addiction recovery is not a solo journey. Sure, it is a journey of your own that belongs to you. However, you share the road of recovery with sober sisters and brothers as well as your support system. The road is also full of hurdles, cravings, and triggers that you will have to learn to navigate in a healthy manner.

Community involvement is crucial to the recovery process. In learning how to live again, you will need resources and guidance for reintegration back into community environments. In your initial isolation that comes with detox and treatment, you will find community in those brave individuals like yourself who sought help for their addiction. 

While in treatment, you are protected from certain environments and triggers to offer a solid foundation for your sobriety. Life outside of those walls will feel different. This is why it is important to begin reintegrating yourself back into society while in treatment. Volunteering, entering sober living, going on treatment field trips and activities, and attending meetings can help you tremendously in this process.

How Lantana Recovery Incorporates Community Involvement

Recovery is not meant to offer a life of solitude. However, you may be plagued with fears that you will lack social connection in choosing a life of sobriety. Those feelings are valid, and they are real. Lantana Recovery knows how these fears can deter some from seeking treatment. We also understand how important remaining and feeling a part of the community is.  

Clients can enter our programs knowing that we want them to succeed in and outside treatment. Due to this, we include community involvement as a part of your treatment plan to help you lay a strong foundation for long-term recovery.

Moreover, we offer community recovery support meetings through our Empowerment Program. We also participate in volunteer work and other outside activities. With these sources of community involvement, we give you the lens to see your community of peers around you and also reintegrate into society as a sober person in a non-sober world. 

Making the Most of Community Involvement in Your Recovery

The first steps of recovery are not easy, and you can feel completely alone. In noticing all the lonely or hopeful faces around you, it can still feel like no one understands your struggles. You are not the only one who may feel this way, and because of that, you are absolutely not alone. 

The sooner you recognize this, the better. It will help you be more open to the inevitable connections waiting to be made. You will look around and realize that you are a part of this community. You and other courageous warriors got tired of fighting for the next fix and started to fight the urge instead.  

This is the reassurance that you need to see you are making the right decision. You will see that you can make it. Giving back and volunteering as you grow is another reward for your recovery journey. You will find a sense of freedom and peace in knowing that just as you are being helped to heal, you can help someone else too. 

Individuals who once knew you in your active addiction will no longer label you in association with it. They will begin to see you in a new light which will cause them to have a new understanding of those in recovery overall. That is the community you have the power to join, build, and grow as a result of your recovery. 

When you embark on a recovery journey, you need the strength of yourself, your family, and your community. Since a change must occur in you, you will need to change your company, environment, and hobbies. Community involvement helps to orchestrate those changes and cultivate your new world. It also works to merge your new normal with the old world. As you stand in the light of your sobriety, you can offer insight to those in the community that are undereducated on addiction and sobriety as well. For more information on how to get involved in the community, you can reach out to Lantana Recovery. Call us today at (866) 997-2870.

Addiction Recovery Publishing

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Charleston South Carolina

Charleston South Carolina

Located on the historic peninsula of Charleston, South Carolina, Lantana Recovery takes a modern approach to Substance Use Disorder treatment, offering intensive clinical care while also immersing our clients in local Charleston culture.