Lantana Recovery
A modern, community-based approach to addiction treatment for Men and Women in Charleston, SC

Organizations That Help with Drug Addiction: Nonprofits and Supportive Services

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Drug addiction is a complex and challenging issue that affects millions of individuals worldwide. However, there is hope and support available through various organizations and supportive services dedicated to helping those struggling with addiction. These nonprofits and supportive services play a crucial role in providing resources, guidance, and assistance throughout the recovery journey.

Nonprofit organizations are entities that operate for a social or charitable purpose, without the primary goal of making a profit. These organizations often focus on raising awareness, education, prevention, and treatment of drug addiction. Supportive services, on the other hand, refer to a range of services that aim to support individuals through their recovery process, such as counseling, therapy, housing assistance, and employment training.

Several nonprofit organizations are dedicated to helping individuals with drug addiction. These organizations provide a wide range of services, including counseling, support groups, treatment referrals, and educational resources. Each organization has a unique mission and approach to addressing drug addiction, such as advocating for policy change, providing free or low-cost treatment options, or offering support for families affected by addiction.

In addition to these nonprofits, there are various supportive services available to aid individuals in their recovery journey. These services can include counseling and therapy sessions, peer support groups, vocational training, and housing assistance. Each service is designed to address different aspects of addiction recovery, providing individuals with the necessary tools and support to rebuild their lives.

Accessing and utilizing these organizations and services is often a straightforward process. Eligibility criteria and registration processes may vary depending on the organization or service provider. However, most organizations and services strive to be inclusive and accessible to all individuals seeking help. The steps to seek assistance typically involve reaching out to the organization or service provider, completing any required forms or assessments, and attending scheduled appointments or sessions.

Real-life success stories can provide inspiration and hope for those on the path to recovery. Hearing about individuals who have overcome addiction and rebuilt their lives can be incredibly motivating and reassuring. These success stories highlight the impact that supportive organizations and services can have on individuals’ lives, underscoring the importance of having a strong support system throughout the recovery process.


Organizations That Help with Drug Addiction_ Nonprofits and Supportive Services

The Importance of Organizations in Drug Addiction Recovery

Organizations play a vital role in drug addiction recovery by providing essential support, resources, and guidance to individuals seeking to overcome their addiction. The following key points highlight why organizations are crucial in the process of drug addiction recovery:

1. Access to Treatment: Organizations serve as facilitators, connecting individuals with various treatment options, including detoxification programs, rehabilitation centers, professional addiction consulting, and support groups. They ensure that individuals receive appropriate resources based on their specific needs.

2. Supportive Networks: By fostering networks, organizations create opportunities for individuals in recovery to connect with others who have gone through similar experiences. These networks offer understanding, encouragement, and help reduce the feelings of isolation commonly associated with addiction recovery.

3. Education and Awareness: Organizations educate individuals on addiction, its causes, and its effects. They also raise awareness about the treatment options and resources available, thereby dismantling the stigma and misconceptions surrounding addiction.

4. Prevention Programs: Organizations develop and implement prevention programs designed to educate and empower individuals, helping them make well-informed choices and avoid substance abuse. These programs target vulnerable populations, schools, workplaces, and communities, aiming to prevent addiction before it starts.

5. Holistic Approach: Taking into consideration the physical, psychological, emotional, and social aspects of addiction, organizations prioritize a holistic approach to recovery. By providing comprehensive support, they assist individuals in rebuilding their lives and developing healthy coping mechanisms.

6. Advocacy: Organizations advocate for policy changes, increased funding for addiction treatment, and improved access to healthcare services. Their goal is to reduce barriers to recovery and promote a more compassionate society that supports individuals on their journey to sobriety.

For individuals seeking addiction recovery, it is crucial to reach out to these organizations and seek the necessary support and assistance on their path toward a healthier, drug-free life.

What are Nonprofit Organizations?

Nonprofit organizations, including drug addiction, address societal issues. They serve the public interest and are tax-exempt, operating for the greater good. Their goal is to bring about positive change and support individuals struggling with drug addiction.

Nonprofit organizations focus on raising awareness, prevention, advocacy, and providing resources for those affected by drug addiction. They collaborate with stakeholders such as government agencies, healthcare providers, and community groups to address the challenges of addiction.

These organizations offer counseling, support groups, educational programs, and access to treatment facilities. They aim to enhance the well-being and recovery of individuals struggling with addiction, as well as their families and communities.

Nonprofit organizations rely on funding from donations, grants, and fundraising activities to sustain their operations. They are guided by a mission and committed to making a positive impact on society.

If dealing with drug addiction, reaching out to nonprofit organizations can provide necessary assistance and support. They offer a network of resources and a community dedicated to helping individuals overcome addiction.

What are Supportive Services?

Supportive services play a crucial role in the recovery from drug addiction. These services offer assistance, guidance, and resources to individuals who are struggling with addiction. It is important to understand the key points about supportive services:

1. Supportive services encompass various programs and resources such as counseling, therapy, vocational training, as well as medical and psychiatric support. These services serve to aid individuals in their journey towards recovery from drug addiction.

2. The primary objective of supportive services is to enhance the well-being and proficiency of individuals who are recovering from drug addiction. They promote stability, resilience, and independence in their lives.

3. Supportive services work in collaboration with nonprofit organizations that specialize in drug addiction recovery. These organizations connect individuals with the appropriate support based on their specific needs.

4. Supportive services significantly increase the chances of achieving long-term recovery. They offer continuous support, motivation, and education. They also assist individuals in developing coping mechanisms, adopting healthy habits, and acquiring necessary life skills for a substance-free lifestyle.

Pro-tip: When searching for supportive services, it is important to assess and prioritize your specific needs. Consider the type and severity of addiction, personal preferences, and the availability of services in your area. Seeking guidance and support from healthcare professionals or contacting local nonprofit organizations can be valuable in navigating the numerous options available to you.

Nonprofit Organizations that Help with Drug Addiction

Nonprofit Organizations that Help with Drug Addiction

Supporting those battling drug addiction, non-profit organizations play a vital role in providing assistance and guidance. In this section, we will explore three different organizations, each with unique missions and services. Dive into the firsthand accounts of how American Addiction Centers (AAC), National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), and SAFE Project are making a difference in the lives of individuals struggling with addiction. Discover the various programs and support systems they offer, shedding light on the immense value these non-profits bring to the fight against addiction.

AAC: Mission and Services Provided

AAC’s primary mission revolves around saving lives and restoring hope for those struggling with addiction. They are dedicated to providing comprehensive, personalized treatment to address the physical, emotional, and psychological aspects of addiction. Their core values encompass integrity, compassion, excellence, teamwork, and innovation, guiding every aspect of their service delivery.

  • Medical Detoxification: AAC offers medically supervised detox programs to help individuals safely and comfortably withdraw from drugs or alcohol. Their experienced medical team ensures that clients receive the necessary support during this critical phase of treatment.
  • Inpatient Residential Treatment: AAC provides inpatient residential programs that offer a structured and supportive environment for clients to focus on their recovery. With 24/7 medical care and therapeutic interventions, clients receive intensive treatment to address the underlying causes of addiction.
  • Outpatient Programs: For individuals seeking more flexible treatment options, AAC offers outpatient programs that allow clients to live at home while attending therapy sessions and support groups regularly.
  • Dual Diagnosis Treatment: Recognizing the close link between addiction and mental health disorders, AAC provides dual diagnosis treatment to address co-occurring conditions simultaneously. This integrated approach ensures a comprehensive and effective recovery journey.
  • Behavioral Therapies: AAC utilizes evidence-based behavioral therapies, such as Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), and Motivational Interviewing (MI), to help clients develop coping skills, change harmful behaviors, and build resilience.
  • Family Therapy: Addiction impacts not only the individual but also their loved ones. AAC offers family therapy to help families understand addiction, improve communication, and rebuild relationships in a supportive and therapeutic setting.
  • Aftercare and Alumni Support: Recognizing that recovery is an ongoing process, AAC provides comprehensive aftercare support and access to alumni networks. Continuing care programs help clients maintain their sobriety and navigate life after treatment successfully.
  • Holistic Therapies: In addition to traditional therapies, AAC integrates holistic approaches like yoga, meditation, art therapy, and fitness activities into their treatment programs. These holistic modalities promote overall well-being and aid in the healing process.
  • Educational Resources: AAC is committed to raising awareness about addiction and recovery. They provide educational resources, articles, and webinars to inform the public about the nature of addiction and available treatment options.

The American Addiction Centers (AAC) is at the forefront of addiction treatment, offering a wide range of services to help individuals overcome substance use disorders. Through evidence-based therapies, compassionate care, and comprehensive aftercare, AAC is dedicated to transforming lives and providing hope to those seeking recovery from addiction. With their mission-driven approach and commitment to excellence, AAC continues to be a leader in the field of addiction treatment in the United States.

NAMI: Mission and Services Provided

The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) is a renowned grassroots organization that is dedicated to providing support, education, and advocacy for individuals and families affected by mental health conditions. Founded in 1979, NAMI has been a driving force in the mental health community, working tirelessly to raise awareness, reduce stigma, and promote mental health as a vital part of overall wellness.

NAMI’s core mission is to improve the lives of those impacted by mental illness by offering a wide range of resources and programs. They provide support groups, educational classes, and informational resources to help individuals navigate their mental health journey and find the necessary support they need. Whether someone is living with a mental health condition or caring for a loved one, NAMI offers a safe and understanding space to share experiences and gain valuable insights.

One of the key strengths of NAMI lies in its grassroots structure. The organization operates at the national, state, and local levels, with affiliates in all 50 states. This network ensures that NAMI’s services are accessible to communities across the country, providing tailored support that addresses the unique needs of diverse populations.

NAMI is also a staunch advocate for mental health policy reform and works to influence legislation at the local, state, and federal levels. Through their advocacy efforts, they strive to improve access to mental health services, increase funding for research, and eliminate discriminatory practices against individuals with mental health conditions.

Furthermore, NAMI actively challenges the societal stigma surrounding mental illness. By promoting understanding and empathy, they aim to create an environment that supports and uplifts individuals with mental health conditions, encouraging them to seek help without fear of judgment.

NAMI has emerged as a driving force in the mental health community, providing crucial support, education, and advocacy for those impacted by mental illness. With its strong network of affiliates and dedication to breaking down barriers, NAMI continues to make a significant impact in improving the lives of millions of individuals and families affected by mental health conditions.

SAFE Project: Mission and Services Provided

The SAFE Project is a nonprofit organization dedicated to combatting the opioid epidemic in the United States. Founded in 2017 by Admiral James “Sandy” Winnefeld and Mary Winnefeld, SAFE (Stop the Addiction Fatality Epidemic) was established in response to the devastating impact of opioid addiction on families and communities across the nation.

The mission of the SAFE Project is to end the opioid crisis through a multifaceted approach that focuses on prevention, treatment, recovery, and education. The organization works collaboratively with various stakeholders, including government agencies, healthcare providers, community organizations, and individuals impacted by addiction, to create a comprehensive strategy to address this public health crisis.

One of the key pillars of the SAFE Project is prevention. The organization works to raise awareness about the risks of opioid misuse and abuse, targeting both young people and adults. Through educational initiatives and public outreach, SAFE aims to equip individuals with the knowledge and tools to make informed decisions about opioid use and to prevent addiction before it starts.

In addition to prevention efforts, the SAFE Project is committed to expanding access to evidence-based treatment for those struggling with opioid addiction. They advocate for policies and legislation that improve access to medication-assisted treatment (MAT) and other effective treatment options. Moreover, SAFE works to reduce the stigma associated with addiction, as stigma can often be a barrier to seeking help and support.

Recovery support is another critical aspect of the SAFE Project’s mission. The organization strives to ensure that individuals in recovery have the resources and support they need to maintain long-term sobriety and rebuild their lives. By promoting a continuum of care, including peer support and access to recovery resources, SAFE seeks to empower individuals in their journey to recovery.

The SAFE Project also places a strong emphasis on educating healthcare providers about best practices in pain management and opioid prescribing. By equipping healthcare professionals with the necessary knowledge and tools, they can play a vital role in preventing opioid misuse and reducing the risk of addiction.

Through their collaborative efforts and advocacy, the SAFE Project has made significant strides in raising awareness about the opioid crisis and influencing policy changes at the state and federal levels. The organization continues to be a powerful force in the fight against opioid addiction, providing hope and support to individuals and families affected by this devastating epidemic.

Supportive Services for Drug Addiction Recovery

Looking for supportive services to aid in drug addiction recovery? Look no further! In this section, we’ll uncover the wide range of services available to assist individuals on their journey to recovery. From describing the unique benefits of Counselling and Therapy to unveiling the advantages of Peer Support Groups, and finally, exploring the benefits offered by Aftercare Services, we’ll provide you with all the necessary information to make informed decisions regarding your recovery path. Let’s dive in and discover the support that awaits you!

Counselling and Therapy: Description and Benefits

According to chapter 8 of the book Evidence-Based Addiction Treatment by Danielle Barry, Nancy M. Petry titled Cognitive Behavioral Treatments for Substance Use Disorders counseling and therapy play a vital role in addiction recovery, offering individuals struggling with substance use disorders a supportive and structured approach to overcoming their challenges.  These therapeutic interventions are provided by trained professionals, such as counselors, therapists, and psychologists, who specialize in addiction treatment. Here are the description and benefits of counseling and therapy in addiction recovery:

Counseling and therapy in addiction recovery involve a series of structured sessions that focus on understanding and addressing the various aspects of addiction. The process begins with a comprehensive assessment of the individual’s history, substance use patterns, mental health, and personal circumstances. Based on this assessment, the therapist develops a tailored treatment plan that addresses the individual’s unique needs and challenges.

Therapeutic sessions can be conducted in individual, group, or family settings, depending on the client’s preferences and therapeutic goals. During these sessions, the therapist employs evidence-based techniques to help clients explore the underlying causes of their addiction, identify triggers, and develop coping skills to manage cravings and stressors. Therapists also work with clients to set realistic and achievable goals for their recovery journey.

Benefits of Counseling and Therapy in Addiction Recovery:

  • Understanding the Root Causes: Counseling and therapy provide individuals with the opportunity to delve into the underlying emotional, psychological, and environmental factors that contribute to their addiction. By gaining insight into these root causes, clients can better understand the reasons behind their substance use and work towards resolving unresolved issues.
  • Developing Coping Strategies: Addiction recovery is often challenging, and individuals may face triggers and temptations that could lead to relapse. Therapy equips clients with coping strategies and relapse prevention skills to navigate these situations successfully. Clients learn healthier ways to cope with stress, anxiety, and negative emotions, reducing the reliance on substances as a coping mechanism.
  • Rebuilding Relationships: Addiction can strain relationships with family, friends, and loved ones. Therapy provides a safe space for clients to work on rebuilding trust, improving communication, and repairing damaged relationships. Family therapy, in particular, involves loved ones in the recovery process, fostering a supportive and understanding network.
  • Addressing Co-Occurring Disorders: Many individuals with addiction also experience co-occurring mental health disorders, such as depression, anxiety, or trauma-related disorders. Counseling and therapy are essential in identifying and treating these co-occurring disorders, ensuring a more comprehensive approach to recovery.
  • Improving Self-Esteem and Self-Worth: Addiction often takes a toll on an individual’s self-esteem and self-worth. Therapy helps clients challenge negative self-perceptions, build self-compassion, and develop a more positive self-image, promoting a healthier sense of self.
  • Providing a Supportive Environment: The therapeutic relationship between the client and therapist offers a safe and non-judgmental space for clients to express their thoughts and feelings. This supportive environment fosters trust, empathy, and understanding, helping clients feel accepted and valued throughout their recovery journey.

Peer Support Groups: Description and Benefits

Peer support groups in addiction recovery are structured gatherings of individuals who share similar experiences with substance use disorders. These groups are often led by peers who have achieved and maintained sobriety, providing a unique perspective and understanding of the challenges faced by those on the journey to recovery. Peer support groups can take various forms, with some adhering to specific programs like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or Narcotics Anonymous (NA), while others may be more general in nature.

Benefits of Peer Support Groups in Addiction Recovery

  • Shared Understanding and Empathy: Peer support groups offer a sense of camaraderie and understanding that can be difficult to find elsewhere. Being in the company of individuals who have experienced similar struggles with addiction creates a safe space for sharing personal experiences and feelings without fear of judgment. “It provides potential benefits in promoting social support, reducing isolation and stigma, developing effective communication and interpersonal skills, and practicing recovery-oriented coping strategies with group members. ” (Group Therapy for Substance Use Disorders: A Survey of Clinician Practices, Wendt & Gone, 2017).
  • Non-Judgmental Environment: Peer support groups provide a non-judgmental and accepting environment, which is crucial in breaking down the stigma surrounding addiction. Individuals can openly discuss their challenges, successes, and setbacks without fear of criticism, offering them the freedom to be honest and vulnerable.
  • Continuous Support and Motivation: Recovery is an ongoing process that requires commitment and resilience. Peer support groups offer continuous support and motivation, as members encourage each other to stay on track with their sobriety goals. Celebrating successes and offering encouragement during difficult times can significantly boost individuals’ determination to maintain their recovery journey.
  • Relapse Prevention: Peer support groups play a pivotal role in relapse prevention. Members learn from one another’s experiences, gaining insight into potential triggers and relapse warning signs. Sharing strategies for coping with cravings and temptations helps individuals develop practical tools for managing challenging situations effectively.
  • Role Models and Inspiration: Peers who have achieved long-term sobriety serve as role models and a source of inspiration for those who are newer to recovery. Witnessing the progress and growth of others in the group can instill hope and belief in the possibility of sustained recovery.
  • Accountability and Responsibility: Peer support groups promote accountability and personal responsibility in the recovery journey. Members are encouraged to take ownership of their actions and choices, empowering them to make positive changes in their lives.

Aftercare: Description and Benefits

Aftercare in addiction recovery refers to the ongoing support and services provided to individuals after completing an initial phase of treatment, such as inpatient or outpatient rehab. It is an essential part of the recovery process that helps individuals transition back into their daily lives while maintaining their sobriety and preventing relapse. In a research by James R Mckay of University of Pennsylvania published in Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment where he researched continuing care the results indicated that continuing care interventions were more likely to produce positive treatment effects when they had a longer planned duration, made more active efforts to deliver treatment to patients, and were studied more recently. Aftercare programs are often personalized to address the specific needs and challenges of each individual, offering continued support as they navigate life after treatment.

Benefits of Aftercare in Addiction Recovery

  • Sustained Support: Aftercare programs offer continued support to individuals as they transition from the structured environment of treatment back to their regular routines. This sustained support helps individuals maintain focus on their recovery goals and provides them with a safety net should they encounter challenges or triggers.
  • Relapse Prevention: One of the primary benefits of aftercare is its focus on relapse prevention. Aftercare services provide individuals with coping strategies, tools, and resources to effectively manage triggers, cravings, and stressful situations that could lead to relapse.
  • Continued Therapy and Counseling: Aftercare may include ongoing therapy and counseling sessions, which allow individuals to continue exploring underlying issues and emotional challenges that may arise post-treatment. Continued therapy helps individuals build on the progress made during formal treatment and address new issues that may emerge.
  • Accountability and Monitoring: Aftercare programs often include regular check-ins or follow-up appointments, providing a sense of accountability for individuals in recovery. These check-ins allow professionals to monitor progress, identify potential challenges, and offer guidance or interventions as needed.
  • Practical Life Skills: Aftercare may include workshops or classes that focus on building practical life skills, such as job training, budgeting, and stress management. These skills help individuals successfully reintegrate into society and maintain stability in their daily lives.

How to Access and Utilize These Organizations and Services

How to Access and Utilize These Organizations and Services

Want to know how to access and utilize the various organizations and services that help with drug addiction? In this section, we’ll dive into the eligibility and registration process, as well as the step-by-step guide to seeking assistance. Discover how you can benefit from these invaluable resources and take the necessary steps towards overcoming addiction.

Eligibility and Registration Process

When seeking assistance from organizations that help with drug addiction, it is important to understand the eligibility and registration process. Follow these steps to access and utilize these services:

1. Research: Conduct thorough research on organizations in your area that provide support for drug addiction recovery. Look specifically for nonprofit organizations that offer the services and support you require.

2. Evaluate eligibility criteria: Carefully review the eligibility requirements of each organization to ascertain whether you meet the necessary criteria. Take into consideration factors such as age, residency, and any specialized drug addiction issues they may specialize in.

3. Registration: Reach out to a suitable organization to initiate the registration process. They will provide you with the required forms and information on how to proceed further.

4. Submit required documents: Gather all the necessary documents, including identification, proof of residency, and relevant medical records or assessments. Ensure that you complete the registration forms accurately and provide any additional information that may be requested.

5. Attend intake assessment: The organization may schedule an intake assessment to better understand your needs and develop an individualized treatment plan for you. It is crucial to be open and honest during this assessment in order to receive the appropriate support.

6. Follow instructions: Once you have completed the registration and assessment process, make sure to adhere to any instructions provided by the organization. This may involve attending counseling sessions, support group meetings, or participating in recommended treatments and activities.

Pro-tip: Take initiative in your recovery journey by researching multiple organizations to find the one that aligns best with your needs and goals. Seeking assistance is a brave step towards a healthier and happier life.

Steps to Seek Assistance

When seeking assistance for drug addiction, it is important to follow the steps outlined below to access the support you need. First and foremost, you must recognize that you have a problem and acknowledge the need for help. It is then crucial to educate yourself about the available resources and support systems for drug addiction recovery. Take the time to research nonprofit organizations that specifically specialize in helping individuals with drug addiction. Once you have identified these organizations, make the effort to reach out to them and inquire about their services and how they can assist you.

It is essential to assess whether you meet the eligibility criteria for accessing the services provided by these organizations. If you do, complete the necessary registration process to officially become a member and gain access to their services. Once you have registered, it is imperative to follow the guidance and instructions provided by the organization to effectively access the assistance they offer.

Actively engage and participate in the meetings or sessions provided by the organization. This is a crucial part of your recovery journey. Additionally, consider seeking out additional supportive services like counseling or therapy. These additional services can greatly enhance your recovery experience.

Throughout your recovery journey, it is vital to maintain regular and open communication with the organizations and professionals assisting you. This continuous communication will ensure that you stay on track and receive the necessary support.

By diligently following these steps, you can seek the assistance you need and begin your journey towards recovery from drug addiction. Take inspiration from John, a young man who was able to successfully overcome his drug addiction by following these steps. John realized the negative impact addiction had on his life, acknowledged his problem, and educated himself about available support systems. He took the time to research nonprofit organizations specializing in drug addiction recovery and reached out to them. After confirming his eligibility, John registered with one of the organizations and actively engaged in the meetings and programs offered. He also sought additional counseling services to further support his recovery. Throughout the process, John maintained open communication with the organization and other professionals, which ultimately led to his successful recovery and the rebuilding of his life.

Real-Life Experiences with Drug Addiction Recovery

Success Stories: Real-Life Experiences with Drug Addiction Recovery

Real-life experiences with drug addiction recovery can inspire individuals seeking to overcome their own addiction. These success stories, also known as real-life experiences with drug addiction recovery, show that recovery is possible and provide hope for those who may be struggling. Here are some experiences that highlight the journey of individuals who have triumphed over drug addiction:

1. John, a former heroin addict, found support in a nonprofit rehabilitation center. Their program, which includes counseling, group therapy, and vocational training, helped John rebuild his life and maintain sobriety for five years.

2. Sarah battled alcohol addiction for years and sought help from a supportive services organization. She received personalized treatment, including medical detoxification and ongoing therapy sessions. With professional guidance, Sarah has now been sober for six years and helps others on their recovery journey.

3. Michael, a young man struggling with methamphetamine addiction, received assistance from a nonprofit organization that provided a safe and nurturing environment. Through their mentorship program and life skills training, Michael regained control of his life, completed his education, and secured stable employment. He has been drug-free for three years and advocates for addiction awareness.

These success stories, which are real-life experiences with drug addiction recovery, show how organizations and supportive services help individuals overcome drug addiction. By providing resources, personalized approaches, and a supportive community, these organizations play a crucial role in recovery. These experiences highlight the importance of seeking help and the possibilities for a brighter future in drug addiction recovery.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is SAMHSA’s National Helpline and what services does it provide?

A: SAMHSA’s National Helpline is a free and confidential service that offers treatment referrals and information for individuals and families dealing with mental and/or substance use disorders. The helpline is available 24/7, 365 days a year in both English and Spanish. It provides referrals to local treatment facilities like Lantana Recovery, support groups, and community-based organizations. It also offers an online treatment locator and a text messaging service to find help near you.

Q: How can I contact SAMHSA’s National Helpline?

A: SAMHSA’s National Helpline can be reached at 1-800-662-HELP (4357) or TTY: 1-800-487-4889. It is available 24/7, 365 days a year in both English and Spanish.

Q: Is there a cost to use SAMHSA’s National Helpline?

A: No, SAMHSA’s National Helpline is free of charge. It provides assistance to individuals with no insurance or those who are underinsured by referring them to state-funded treatment programs or facilities that offer sliding fee scales or accept Medicare/Medicaid.

Q: What information is required when calling SAMHSA’s National Helpline?

A: The helpline is confidential and does not require any personal information. However, callers may be asked for their zip code or other geographic information to track calls and identify local resources.

Q: Does SAMHSA’s National Helpline provide counseling services?

A: No, the helpline does not provide counseling. Trained information specialists answer calls and connect callers to state services or appropriate intake centers in their states. They can also help individuals find local assistance and support.

Q: What additional resources are available through SAMHSA?

A: SAMHSA’s website offers suggested resources such as booklets for anyone wondering where to get help for drug addiction. This includes resources for families on substance abuse treatment, support for teens with parents who abuse alcohol or drugs, a guide for family members after a relative’s suicide attempt, and information on how family therapy can help in recovery from mental illness or addiction.


Warren Phillips

Warren is a Licensed Master Social Worker, who specializes in substance abuse and mental health treatment. Clinically, Warren has developed a therapeutic skillset that utilizes a strengths-based perspective, Twelve Step philosophies, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Motivational Interviewing.

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Charleston South Carolina

Charleston South Carolina

Located on the historic peninsula of Charleston, South Carolina, Lantana Recovery takes a modern approach to Substance Use Disorder treatment, offering intensive clinical care while also immersing our clients in local Charleston culture.