Lantana Recovery
A modern, community-based approach to addiction treatment for Men and Women in Charleston, SC

50 Fun Things to Do Without Drinking

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Looking for fun and engaging activities that don’t involve alcohol? You’re in the right place! Fun things to do without drinking not only help improve your mental and physical well-being, but also provide an opportunity to connect with others on a deeper level. In this blog post, we’ll explore a variety of creative indoor activities, active social outings, date night ideas, outdoor adventures, and group activities that can be enjoyed without a drop of alcohol. Get ready to discover a world of excitement and connection beyond the bottle!

Short Summary

  • Explore creative and fulfilling activities with friends & family!
  • Have an awesome time without alcohol – try ice skating, sports events, escape rooms or a dance party.
  • Strengthen connections with loved ones through memory lane strolls, potluck dinners and volunteering.

Creative Indoor Activities

A group of friends playing a video game together

Who says you need alcohol to have a good time indoors? There are countless creative sober activities that are perfect for spending quality time with friends and family without any pressure to drink. From painting parties and vision board sessions to video game nights, there’s no shortage of sober fun to be had.

Let’s dive into these exciting and engaging indoor activities that will leave you feeling inspired and fulfilled.

Painting Party

Imagine a cozy evening with friends, surrounded by art supplies and laughter, as you all create your own masterpieces. Hosting a painting party is a fantastic way to unleash your creative spirit and bond with your loved ones. To make it a fun and exciting experience, you’ll need paint, brushes, canvases, easels, palettes, water cups, paper towels, and aprons. You can also consider having disposable plates, cups, and decorations to add a special touch. The best part? No alcohol is needed to enjoy this vibrant and colorful gathering.

Painting parties is another fun activity that don’t involve drinking and it is also lets everyone explore their artistic abilities and share their creations with others. Whether you’re a seasoned artist or a complete beginner, everyone can enjoy this creative and engaging activity. So why not invite your friends over and discover the joys of painting together, all without a drop of alcohol?

Vision Boarding

Looking for a motivating and inspiring activity that doesn’t involve drinking? Vision boarding is the perfect solution! This powerful creative activity involves creating a collage of images, text, and other items that represent your goals and dreams, helping you focus on achieving them. To create a vision board, gather magazines, photos, and art supplies, then cut out inspiring images, words, and phrases that represent your aspirations. Arrange them on a poster board in a way that motivates you and keeps you focused on your goals.

Vision boarding is not only a fun way to spend an afternoon with friends or family, but it’s also a fantastic opportunity to share your aspirations and support each other in achieving them. And the best part? No alcohol is required to find inspiration and connect with your loved ones through this creative and uplifting activity.

Video Game Party

Why not bring the excitement of a night out to the comfort of your own home with a video game party? This thrilling gathering is perfect for enjoying friendly competition and laughter with friends, all without the need for alcohol. To host a successful video game party, choose a variety of popular games like Super Mario Party, Jackbox Party Pack, Overcooked 2 and Just Dance. Don’t forget to provide delicious snacks like chips, popcorn, and candy, and decorate your space with streamers, balloons, and posters of the games you’re playing.

To ensure everyone has a great time, make sure you have enough controllers for everyone, set a time limit for each game, and offer a variety of games to keep everyone engaged and entertained. With a video game party, you can create lasting memories with your friends and enjoy an alcohol-free night of fun.

Active Social Outings

A group of friends ice skating together

If you’re looking for exciting social activities that don’t involve drinking, look no further! There are plenty of active outings that can be enjoyed with friends, such as ice skating, attending a sporting event, or trying an escape room. These activities not only provide a great opportunity to bond and create lasting memories, but they also help you stay fit and save money without the worry of alcohol-related repercussions.

Let’s explore these exhilarating social outings that you can enjoy without a drop of alcohol!

Ice Skating

Ice skating is a fantastic way to get together with friends or family and have a blast while staying active and healthy. Whether you’re a seasoned skater or a beginner, there’s something magical about gliding gracefully across the ice with your loved ones. Plus, it’s an excellent form of exercise that can boost cardiovascular health, balance, coordination, and weight management.

After a fun day at the local rink, warm up with some hot chocolate and conversation, creating lasting memories with those closest to you. Ice skating is an enjoyable and memorable activity that can be experienced without the need for alcohol.

Sporting Event

An image of people playing beach volleyball during a sporting event with fun things to do without drinking such as frisbee and cornhole in the background.

Attending a live sports event without alcohol can be an incredible experience, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the atmosphere and camaraderie of the game. From professional leagues like the NFL, NBA, and MLB to local amateur sports, there’s no shortage of thrilling events to enjoy. Some of the most celebrated sporting events around the world include the FIFA World Cup, the Olympics, the Super Bowl, and the UEFA Champions League Final.

Not only can attending a sporting event instead of drinking save you money, but it also helps you stay focused on the game and create lasting memories with your friends. So grab your team’s jersey, paint your face, and get ready to cheer on your favorite athletes without the need for alcohol!

Escape Room

Looking for a unique and engaging way to party without alcohol? Escape rooms are the perfect solution! These immersive games challenge players to solve puzzles and riddles in order to escape from a themed room within a set time limit. Escape rooms promote collaboration, critical thinking, and mental stimulation, making them an ideal activity for friends, couples, and even coworkers.

To ensure a successful escape room experience, it’s important to work together as a team, communicate clearly, and think creatively. Plus, you’ll be able to enjoy the thrill of solving the room’s mysteries without the need for alcohol. So gather your friends and put your problem-solving skills to the test with an exciting escape room adventure!

Date Night Ideas

A couple enjoying a trivia night together

Spice up your date nights with unique and engaging activities that don’t involve drinking. From trivia nights and local museum visits to leisurely nature walks, there are plenty of fun things to connect with your partner and create lasting memories without the need for alcohol.

Let’s explore some of these exciting date night ideas that will leave you and your partner feeling closer than ever.

Trivia Night

Put your knowledge to the test and enjoy some friendly competition with a trivia night at a local venue. Trivia nights offer a fun, engaging, and alcohol-free way to connect with your partner as you work together to answer questions on various topics, such as general knowledge, history, and pop culture. Plus, you can even win prizes and bragging rights if your team comes out on top!

To make the most of your trivia night experience, arrive early to secure a good seat and don’t be afraid to strike up a conversation with other teams. Who knows, you might even make some new friends along the way! With trivia night, you and your partner can enjoy a stimulating and memorable date night without the need for alcohol.

Local Museum

Looking for a date night idea that combines culture, education, and quality time with your partner? Visiting a local museum is the perfect choice! Museums offer a unique opportunity to explore the history, art, and culture of a particular area, allowing you and your partner to broaden your understanding of the world together.

Before visiting a local museum, make sure to plan ahead by researching the museum’s hours, admission fees, and current exhibits. This will ensure you have a smooth and enjoyable experience. As you walk through the museum, take the time to discuss the exhibits with your partner, sharing thoughts, opinions, and insights.

Visiting a local museum provides an enriching and meaningful date night experience without the need for alcohol.

Nature Walk

Embrace the beauty of the great outdoors by taking a leisurely nature walk with your partner. Strolling through a local park or nature reserve allows you to enjoy fresh air, scenery, and each other’s company while getting to know each other better. Nature walks also offer numerous health benefits, such as reduced anxiety and helps with depression according to a study published in the Journal of Clinical Medicine by Simone Grassini named A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Nature Walk as an Intervention for Anxiety and Depression.

To make your nature walk even more enjoyable, consider packing a picnic to share along the way or bringing a camera to capture the beautiful sights you encounter. Whether you’re exploring a nearby park or venturing further afield, a nature walk provides a relaxing, alcohol-free date night idea that allows you to connect with your partner and the world around you.

Outdoor Adventures

A family exploring nature together

Are you ready to embark on an outdoor adventure without the need for alcohol? From joining a sports team to exploring your family tree or taking a trip down memory lane, there are countless ways to enjoy the great outdoors and create lasting memories with friends and family, all without a drop of alcohol.

Let’s delve into these exciting outdoor adventures that will leave you feeling invigorated and fulfilled.

Sports Team

Joining a local sports team or club is a fantastic way to stay active, make new friends, and enjoy a fun, alcohol-free environment. Participating in sports not only provides numerous physical and mental health benefits, but it also allows you to challenge yourself, develop new skills, and engage in friendly competition.

To get involved in a sports team or club, research local teams in your area and reach out to them directly, or search online for opportunities that match your interests. Whether you’re a seasoned athlete or a complete beginner, there’s a sports team out there that’s perfect for you. So, lace up your sneakers, grab your gear, and get ready to enjoy the camaraderie and excitement of playing sports without the need for alcohol.

Family Tree Exploration

Embark on a fascinating journey of self-discovery by exploring your family tree. Researching your family history not only helps you uncover the stories of your ancestors, but also provides a meaningful and educational experience. To begin your family tree exploration, utilize websites like, MyHeritage, or RootsWeb to uncover information about your ancestors and their lives.

Once you’ve gathered information about your family history, consider visiting ancestral sites to gain a deeper understanding of your heritage. This could include visiting the towns your ancestors lived in, exploring local archives, or even traveling to another country to trace your family’s roots. Family tree exploration is an engaging and rewarding outdoor adventure that can be enjoyed without the need for alcohol.

Memory Lane

Take a walk down memory lane by revisiting childhood locations or sharing old photos with friends and family. This nostalgic journey can help strengthen your connections with loved ones, including a family member, and provide a unique opportunity to reflect on cherished memories.

Some ways to take a nostalgic journey include exploring old photos, watching home videos, listening to music from your past, and sharing memories and stories with others. As you reminisce, you may find yourself feeling grateful for the experiences and relationships that have shaped your life.

Taking a walk down memory lane is a heartwarming and meaningful outdoor adventure that can be enjoyed without the need for alcohol.

Group Activities

A group of friends dancing together

Bring your friends and family together for unforgettable group activities that don’t involve drinking. From hosting dance parties and organizing potluck dinners to volunteering as a group, there are plenty of ways to bond and create lasting memories without the need for alcohol. So go ahead and invite friends to join in on the fun!

Let’s explore these engaging and enjoyable group activities that will leave everyone feeling connected and fulfilled.

Dance Party

Transform your living room into a dance floor by hosting a themed dance party! Invite your friends to dress up and dance the night away, all without the need for alcohol. Choose a theme that suits your group’s interests, such as a ‘90s throwback, a neon glow party, a masquerade ball, or a tropical luau.

According to systematic review of 17 studies published in the Frontiers in Psychology reported that dancing helps reduce stress, increases levels of the feel-good hormone serotonin.

To make your dance party a night to remember, create a playlist of upbeat tunes that will get everyone moving. Don’t forget to provide plenty of snacks and non-alcoholic beverages to keep your guests energized and hydrated. With a dance party, you can enjoy a night of laughter, fun, and connection, all without a drop of alcohol.

Potluck Dinner

Organizing a potluck dinner is a fantastic way to bring friends and family together for a delicious meal, all while fostering connection and conversation without alcohol. Each guest brings a dish to share, allowing everyone to sample a variety of tasty dishes without having to prepare a full meal.

To ensure a successful potluck dinner, create a list of dishes that need to be brought and assign each dish to a guest. Make sure to provide enough dishes for everyone to enjoy, and consider offering a mix of appetizers, main courses, side dishes, and desserts.

Potluck dinners are an excellent opportunity to gather your loved ones and create lasting memories without the need for alcohol.


Gather a group of friends or family members and give back to your community by volunteering together. This meaningful activity allows you to spend quality time with your loved ones while making a positive impact on those around you. Volunteering provides numerous benefits, including fostering meaningful connections, cultivating a sense of purpose, and acquiring new skills.

“Volunteering might contribute to happiness levels by increasing empathic emotions and shifting aspirations,” recommends a study conducted at London School of Economics. (Doing well by doing good. The relationship between formal volunteering and self-reported health and happiness, Francesca Borgonovi, 2008)

There are countless volunteering opportunities available, such as assisting at a local food bank, joining a beach clean-up, or lending a hand at a homeless shelter. Research local organizations in your area and choose a cause that resonates with your group. Volunteering together is a rewarding and memorable group activity that can be enjoyed without the need for alcohol.

50 Fun Things To Do Without Drinking


In conclusion, there are countless ways to enjoy life and create lasting memories with friends and family without the need for alcohol. From creative indoor activities like painting parties and video game nights to outdoor adventures such as joining a sports team or exploring your family tree, the possibilities are endless. By embracing these sober activities, you’ll not only improve your mental and physical well-being, but also deepen your connections with those around you. So why not challenge yourself to try some of these exciting, alcohol-free activities and discover the rewards of a life well-lived without the need for a drink?

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I deal with boredom without drinking?

Make time for activities that you enjoy without resorting to drinking. From fishing, to quilting, biking, or meeting up with a friend for lunch, there are plenty of ways to fight boredom without turning to alcohol.

Don’t let idle moments become opportunities to start drinking; use them as a chance to start something new.

What are some fun indoor activities that don’t involve alcohol?

Looking for an enjoyable time without alcohol? Host a painting party, create a vision board, or organize a fun video game night with friends!

Painting parties are a great way to get creative and have fun with friends. You can provide all the supplies, or have them.

Can I still enjoy active social outings without drinking?

Absolutely! You can still enjoy an active social life without drinking; try ice skating, attending a sporting event, or an escape room for a great time.

These activities are fun, engaging, and don’t involve alcohol. You can still have a great time.

Are there any unique date night ideas that don’t involve alcohol?

Yes, there are plenty of unique date night ideas that don’t involve alcohol – like trivia nights, visiting local museums, or taking nature walks.

What outdoor adventures can I participate in without drinking?

Embrace an alcohol-free outdoor adventure with a sports team, family tree exploration or trip down memory lane for an experience that is sure to be meaningful.

Explore the great outdoors without the influence of alcohol and create memories that will last a lifetime. Take a hike, go camping, or take a bike ride with friends and family.

Discover your family history by researching your ancestors and learning about your family history.


Warren Phillips

Warren is a Licensed Master Social Worker, who specializes in substance abuse and mental health treatment. Clinically, Warren has developed a therapeutic skillset that utilizes a strengths-based perspective, Twelve Step philosophies, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Motivational Interviewing.

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Charleston South Carolina

Charleston South Carolina

Located on the historic peninsula of Charleston, South Carolina, Lantana Recovery takes a modern approach to Substance Use Disorder treatment, offering intensive clinical care while also immersing our clients in local Charleston culture.