Lantana Recovery
A modern, community-based approach to addiction treatment for Men and Women in Charleston, SC

Are You Considering Getting Off Cocaine?

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If you’re considering getting off cocaine, you’ve already taken the first step in the right direction. It can be hard to make that decision, but getting off cocaine is possible with the right support and resources. 

If you are considering getting off cocaine or if someone close to you is already struggling with the addiction, this blog post will provide information, advice, and resources to help get off cocaine in a safe, informed, and healthy way.

We’ll cover topics such as what happens during a cocaine high; how long it takes to get over an addiction; different types of treatments available; where help can be found; potential side effects associated with the substance abuse journey and more!

What is Cocaine?

Cocaine is a highly addictive stimulant drug popularly known as “coke”. It can be found in its natural form, extracted from the leaves of the coca plant which grows primarily in South America. Although it has been used for religious and medical purposes throughout history, today it is most commonly used recreationally as a “party drug”. 

Cocaine produces feelings of pleasure by blocking dopamine transporters, effectively flooding the brain with dopamine molecules leading to an intense “high” feeling. Its usage is often done through snorting, smoking or intravenous injection; however all forms can be dangerous and damaging to our bodies. 

With time, cocaine use can increase its user’s tolerance to their danger and build strong cravings for more so it’s important for users to seek help when needed in order to safely recover from this dependence.

How to quit using Cocaine safely?

Quitting cocaine use can be a daunting task and is often accompanied by difficult withdrawal symptoms. But it is not impossible!

If you’re struggling with an addiction to cocaine and want to quit, there are some steps you can take to make the process easier.  

Acknowledge Your Addiction 

The first step in quitting cocaine is admitting that you have an addiction. Acknowledging this reality can be difficult, but it is essential for successful recovery. Once you have accepted that you are addicted, it’s time to move on to the next step.

Set Realistic Goals 

When trying to quit using cocaine it’s important to set realistic goals for yourself. These goals should include short-term objectives such as reducing the amount of time spent using the drug or decreasing the amount of money spent on it each week. 

Long-term objectives might include developing healthier habits such as exercising more or eating better foods. Taking small steps over time will give you the best chance at success in quitting cocaine safely and effectively. 

That is why, quitting cocaine cold turkey is highly discouraged as it can increase the chances of a rebound or could lead to serious health complications. Small but determined efforts generate more successful results!

Get Professional Help 

Professional treatment is often necessary when attempting to overcome drug addiction. A professional treatment program can provide structure, support groups, therapy sessions, medical care if needed, relapse prevention strategies, and other forms of assistance throughout the recovery process. 

Treatment centers can also offer medication-assisted therapy which utilizes medications like buprenorphine or naltrexone that help minimize cravings for drugs like cocaine while preventing overdoses and other complications associated with withdrawal from these substances. 

Remember that cocaine withdrawal is not at all dangerous or life threatening but having professional support makes the process a lot easier by providing you with the right tools for recovery.

Change Your Routine 

Changing your routine is key when it comes to quitting cocaine use because it helps remove triggers that may cause cravings for the drug. This includes avoiding people, places, and things that remind you of using cocaine and instead engaging in activities that bring joy or relaxation like reading, listening to music, exercising, or doing something creative. 

Additionally, developing healthy habits such as eating nutritious meals, getting enough sleep, and drinking plenty of water will help reduce cravings and keep your body healthy during withdrawal from the drug. 

Find Support 

Having supportive family and friends can be paramount when attempting to get off cocaine, so it is important to lean into those relationships as much as possible at this time. Additionally, there are countless resources available online – support groups, online forums, informational websites – all providing advice on how best to approach recovery from substance use disorders. 

There may even be local community programs designed specifically for those looking for help with addiction issues. Educating yourself on these resources will empower you as you begin your journey toward sobriety. 

Take Care of Yourself Physically & Mentally  

The physical effects of withdrawing from drugs can take their toll on your body and mind—causing nausea, dizziness and fatigue—so it is important that you take care of yourself during this process by eating balanced meals full of nutrients, exercising regularly (if physically able), and sleeping 8 hours each night or more if needed. 

Additionally, look for activities such as yoga or mindfulness exercises that can help keep anxiety at bay during times when cravings become too strong or difficult emotions arise due to withdrawal symptoms. 

During this time it is also beneficial to practice healthy coping skills such as journaling or creative outlets like painting/drawing/music/dance/etc., whatever works best for you!  

Common symptoms of Cocaine withdrawal and how to deal with them

Cocaine withdrawal is a set of symptoms that occur when your body is trying to restore its chemical balance that has been altered as a result of drug abuse. Cocaine withdrawal symptoms can vary in severity, but some common ones include fatigue, depression, strong cravings, irritability, and sleep disturbances. 

Dealing with cocaine withdrawal can be difficult and it is important to have a supportive environment. To know more about the symptoms of cocaine withdrawal and how to cope, read our article here.

Tips for coping with Cocaine crash

Cocaine crash is a phenomenon that occurs when a person who has been using cocaine for an extended period of time, suddenly stops taking it. Cocaine crashes usually occur a few hours to a few days after the person’s last use of cocaine and can last up to a week. 

This is the result of the body’s lack of natural chemicals to regulate mood and energy levels, as the cocaine has blocked them from being produced. The crash is characterized by feelings of extreme exhaustion, depression and anxiety. It can also cause intense cravings for more cocaine, making it difficult to break free from addiction.

Here are a few ways you can successfully cope with a cocaine crash:

  • It may be helpful to distract yourself by engaging in favorite activities such as reading, watching television or spending time with friends and family. 
  • Stress reduction activities like yoga and meditation are also good options to help keep your mind relaxed during this time. 
  • Relaxation techniques when cravings come up can help you feel calmer. 
  • Seeking professional help if needed helps create a safe space and relieves some of the burden of trying to cope alone. 
  • For the most part, it’s important to take care of your body during a crash. Eating healthy, getting plenty of restorative sleep, and drinking lots of water will help get your body in its best shape to cope with the crash. 
  • Exercise can also be incredibly beneficial during this time as endorphins are released during physical activity which not only keep you feeling good, but also aid in reducing stress levels and overall fatigue. 
  • Most importantly, try to cut down the use of other stimulants such as nicotine, caffeine, alcohol, and crack for a healthier coping mechanism.

With the right strategies in place, cocaine crashes can become more manageable and less overwhelming.

Common causes of Cocaine rebound

Cocaine rebound is a term used to describe the period of intense cravings that set in after a cocaine user stops using the substance. Although there is no one exact cause, there are some primary predictors that make someone more likely to experience cocaine rebound. 

Stress and long-term changes in brain chemistry can cause an ex-cocaine user to become obsessed with returning to use. Similarly, changes in lifestyle such as increased spending, decreased sleep or exercise, and mental health distress can all contribute to heightened cravings for cocaine. 

Additionally, environmental triggers such as being around friends who are still using, entering a club where people are partying with drugs or alcohol near them, or even a seemingly insignificant reminder from the past may trigger strong cravings for those previously addicted to cocaine. 

Cocaine rebound is surprisingly common and should be taken very seriously when tackling addiction recovery.

Professional treatment for getting off Cocaine:

Professional treatment for getting off Cocaine can take many forms and depends on the individual situation. The most important thing is for a person to want to get healthy and get rid of the addiction. Treatment generally consists of two stages: detoxing from cocaine and treating any underlying mental health issues that may have contributed to the addiction.

Cocaine Detox

Detoxification, or “detox”, is the first step in recovery from cocaine addiction. Detoxing involves gradually reducing usage until the body has eliminated all traces of the drug. This process should always be done under medical supervision as withdrawal symptoms can be dangerous or even life-threatening. 

Symptoms of withdrawal may include extreme cravings, depression, fatigue, restlessness, insomnia, and anxiety. Medical professionals can provide support and medication to help with these symptoms if necessary.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Once a person has detoxed from cocaine they need to address any mental health issues that may have contributed to their addiction in order to fully recover. This could involve counseling with a therapist or attending group therapy sessions with others who are also recovering from cocaine addiction. 

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) has been found particularly helpful in treating drug addictions because it focuses on identifying unhealthy thoughts and behaviors that lead to relapse. 

Relapse Prevention

Finally, relapse prevention strategies can help sustain lasting abstinence from cocaine use following formal treatment. Individuals will be taught how to recognize triggering situations and develop effective coping skills that do not involve drug use when faced with high-risk situations. 

The length of time required for successful recovery from cocaine addiction varies greatly depending on an individual’s specific situation and commitment level to getting clean. However, with dedication and hard work, professional treatment can help individuals make significant progress towards long-term sobriety and good health.

Final thoughts on getting off Cocaine:

Making the decision to get off cocaine can be a life-changing moment – full of both fear and hope – but it doesn’t have to be taken alone! Quitting a drug like cocaine isn’t easy, but it is possible with the right tools and resources at your disposal. 

Try not to get overwhelmed by the process… take things one step at a time and seek out professional help along the way. It is important to remember that withdrawal from cocaine is not a sign of failure; it is the first step in establishing long-term recovery from substance abuse.

Good luck!


Warren Phillips

Warren is a Licensed Master Social Worker, who specializes in substance abuse and mental health treatment. Clinically, Warren has developed a therapeutic skillset that utilizes a strengths-based perspective, Twelve Step philosophies, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Motivational Interviewing.

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