Brian Conn

Safety Officer

Brian is a male Recovery Coach at Lantana Recovery.  In addition to being a person in long-term recovery and active member the Charleston recovery community, Brian has an extensive professional background in numerous industries.  Following his 2003 graduation from the College of Charleston, Brian spent time as a police officer, firefighter and most recently a Director of Safety in maritime construction.  Brian comes to Lantana following the development of brain condition that prohibits him from serving in his former professional capacities.  As he states, “I suffer from a brain tumor that causes horrible chronic pain but I keep moving to be an example to others that you can go through extreme challenges but still stay sober and clean.  I love being here and I love that Lantana has become a part of my life.”  Lantana is fortunate to have Brian supporting clients and modeling the gifts of a life in recovery.
Addiction Treatment
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Charleston South Carolina

Charleston South Carolina

Located on the historic peninsula of Charleston, South Carolina, Lantana Recovery takes a modern approach to Substance Use Disorder treatment, offering intensive clinical care while also immersing our clients in local Charleston culture.