Lantana Recovery
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Are You Considering Getting Off Adderall?

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If you find yourself dependent on Adderall, then you are probably looking for ways to decrease or even stop your use of the drug. Being stuck in an endless cycle of prescription medications can take a toll on your physical and mental health, as well as disrupt other aspects of your life such as relationships, work, or school. 

In this blog post, we’ll cover everything from the side effects of taking Adderall to strategies that can help with making a smooth transition off the medication. We’ll also discuss expert tips on how to maintain focus and concentration without relying on medications like Adderall. So if any of these ideas sound like they could benefit your life, read on to learn more!

What is Adderall?

Adderall is a stimulant drug that is often prescribed to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and narcolepsy. Adderall is made up of two stimulant medications, amphetamine, and dextroamphetamine, which work by increasing the levels of certain chemicals in the brain that are involved in regulating attention and behavior. Adderall is not intended for long-term use and should only be taken as prescribed by a healthcare provider.

How to quit using Adderall safely?

If you’ve been taking Adderall for an extended period, stopping abruptly can lead to serious side effects including depression, insomnia, and increased blood pressure. Withdrawal effects can last anywhere from days to weeks and can be very uncomfortable and disruptive. 

Quitting Adderall Cold Turkey

Quitting Adderall cold turkey can be dangerous in some cases, particularly if it has been taken as a regular treatment for an extended period. Going cold turkey means abruptly stopping the use of Adderall which can lead to several withdrawal symptoms such as seizures or cardiac arrest. 

If you are thinking about discontinuing the use of the drug, it is important to consult your doctor first and follow his or her guidelines for a gradual reduction of usage. Your doctor may also recommend other strategies during this process to ease the potential discomfort. 

Remember that the decision to quit should be made together with medical professionals and should not be taken lightly to ensure optimal safety.

Steps involved in getting off Adderall

Here are a few steps to safely stop using Adderall without causing any health complications.

Taper Schedule 

When tapering off of Adderall, it’s best to do so gradually over several weeks or months rather than suddenly stopping cold turkey. Tapering down slowly gives your body time to adjust and helps minimize uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms such as fatigue and mood swings. 

Your doctor will recommend what dose reduction schedule works best for you based on your individual needs and situation. They may start by reducing your dose by 10% each week until you reach the lowest dose possible before finally stopping altogether.  

It’s important to keep track of your daily dosage so you can monitor any changes in mood or energy levels during this period as well as alert your doctor if any worrisome side effects arise such as depression or suicidal thoughts which require immediate medical attention.  

Move away from Stimulants  

If possible, try switching from stimulants like caffeine or nicotine as well when tapering off of Adderall use. These substances can affect how quickly your body adjusts and how severe withdrawal symptoms may become. 

Nicotine in particular affects moods and energy levels which could make it difficult for some people who are trying to come off of Adderall more comfortably during this process. 


Exercise has been found to have similar effects on brain chemicals as psychostimulants like Adderall which can help reduce feelings of restlessness or impulsivity associated with ADHD.

Diet and Appetite

In addition to dietary modifications such as increasing the consumption of healthy fats and reducing foods containing refined carbohydrates or processed sugars, certain nutritional supplements may be useful during detoxification from Adderall. 

These include omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, and B vitamins which have been shown to improve mental health outcomes associated with stopping ADHD medications such as Adderall. 

Sleep Schedule 

Resting your body while going through an Adderall detox is integral to success; it ensures the body and brain have time to recuperate, recover and restore. When sleeping, certain hormones are released that nourish and heal the body, including cortisol for stress relief and growth hormone for repair. 

Not getting enough sleep (8-10 hours) can make a person more susceptible to cravings and other detoxification-related triggers which makes the process of coming off Adderall much harder than necessary. 

It’s important to prioritize proper rest during this time so that you can stay committed to the detox process with less difficulty. 

Common symptoms of Adderall withdrawal and how to deal with them

However, despite all these efforts, one cannot avoid the uncomfortable symptoms associated with cutting off Adderall. Some of the common Adderall withdrawal symptoms are depression, fatigue, anxiety, headaches, trouble sleeping, and loss of appetite. It is important to know the signs and symptoms of Adderall withdrawal to take steps to manage them. 

Tips for coping with Adderall crash

Adderall crash is the term used to describe the sudden and extreme lows one experiences when the drug wears off. This unpleasant experience is often the exact opposite of euphoria or stimulation caused by the use of drugs.

Adderall crash is pretty common in individuals trying to overcome their dependency or drug addiction. It usually happens 6-12 hours after the last dose. 

The exact cause of an Adderall crash is not known. However, it is likely related to the drug’s stimulating effects on the nervous system. Stimulants like Adderall increase activity in certain areas of the brain responsible for alertness and productivity. After the drug wears off, these areas become depleted and lead to feelings of exhaustion.

Here are a few tips to cope with an inevitable Adderall crash:

  1. Seek medically assisted detox. This includes taking antidepressants, painkillers, and sleeping pills prescribed by a medical professional.
  2. Avoid stimulants like Nicotine and Alcohol.
  3. Get plenty of rest.
  4. Eat healthy food and try to engage in physical activity like yoga, walking, and exercise.
  5. Talk to someone, be it a friend or a professional.
  6. Indulge in self-care activities

Common causes of Adderall rebound

Adderall rebound occurs when the effects of the stimulant wear off, leading to a rebound of symptoms that were originally suppressed. It is most often seen in people who take Adderall for conditions such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). 

People with ADHD often experience difficulty focusing and concentrating, as well as other symptoms such as impulsivity and hyperactivity. When Adderall is taken, these symptoms can be reduced or eliminated. 

However, when people stop taking Adderall, they can experience a “rebound” of their original symptoms that are now more intense than before they started taking the medication.

Common causes of Adderall rebound include:

  • Not following the dosage instructions from your doctor
  • Not supplementing medication with other treatment methods such as psychotherapy or lifestyle changes
  • Long-term use of Adderall results in increased tolerance for the drug 
  • Mixing Adderall with other drugs such as Concerta, alcohol, and marijuana.

Additionally, some research suggests that individuals who have underlying depression or anxiety may be more likely to experience rebound symptoms following abrupt discontinuation of Adderall use due to those pre-existing psychological disorders exacerbating withdrawal effects.

Professional treatment for getting off Adderall:

Professional treatment for getting off Adderall involves an individualized plan that is tailored to address the individual’s specific needs. This plan may include short-term strategies such as tapering down the dose and making lifestyle changes, as well as long-term strategies such as finding alternative treatments. 

Tapering down the dose of Adderall can be done by gradually decreasing a person’s daily dose over time. This approach helps to minimize potential withdrawal symptoms. Additionally, lifestyle changes may be necessary to reduce dependence on Adderall and help prevent relapse. For example, it could involve engaging in daily physical activity, cutting back on caffeine intake, and/or removing triggers from your environment that lead to cravings. 

When it comes to finding alternative treatments for ADHD symptoms, there are several options available depending on individual needs. These treatments can range from psychotherapy or cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)to medication management with non-stimulant medications such as Strattera or Intuniv. 

Certain types of supplements or dietary changes may also be helpful in managing ADHD symptoms naturally without reliance on Adderall use. In some cases, medications such as antidepressants or anti-anxiety medications may be prescribed alongside counseling to manage withdrawal symptoms or co-occurring mental health conditions. 

Final thoughts on getting off Adderall

By seeking professional treatment, individuals can start the journey toward lasting recovery and improved physical and mental health outcomes. With ongoing therapeutic support coupled with medication if indicated, it is possible for individuals who have been dependent on Adderall for long periods to achieve a successful rehabilitation outcome.


Warren Phillips

Warren is a Licensed Master Social Worker, who specializes in substance abuse and mental health treatment. Clinically, Warren has developed a therapeutic skillset that utilizes a strengths-based perspective, Twelve Step philosophies, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Motivational Interviewing.

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