Jen Hunter

Director of Operations

Jen graduated from George Mason University with a degree in Communications and a focus on Media Production and Criticism.  Prior to working with Lantana Recovery, she had a career in non-fiction television production, producing shows for National Geographic, Discovery, The History Channel and more.

Jen’s true love for helping others emerged when she began her own journey on the road to recovery.  It started as a client of a treatment center where she learned about the disease the addiction and discovered a great passion in carrying the message to others who were suffering.  Jen was eventually hired by that treatment center and served in a variety of roles before eventually moving back to her hometown of Charleston in 2021.

As a Case Manager, Jen acts primarily as a liaison between clients, other Lantana staff, and community resources.  Blending her passion with personal and professional experience, Jen serves as the client’s leading advocate and help ensure that their day-to-day needs are being met.

Preferred Gender Pronouns – She/Her/Hers

Addiction Treatment
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Charleston South Carolina

Charleston South Carolina

Located on the historic peninsula of Charleston, South Carolina, Lantana Recovery takes a modern approach to Substance Use Disorder treatment, offering intensive clinical care while also immersing our clients in local Charleston culture.