Lantana Recovery
A modern, community-based approach to addiction treatment for Men and Women in Charleston, SC

How to Get Someone Into Rehab And Offer Them Support

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Key takeaways:

  • Getting a person into rehab is challenging due to the denial of addiction.
  • Signs of addiction include bad coordination, sudden weight loss, lack of empathy, etc.
  • Treatment options for substance abuse include inpatient rehab, partial hospitalization, and outpatient rehab.
  • Confront the person without aggression, show compassion, and highlight the consequences of not seeking help.
  • Addiction intervention involves family, friends, and counselors convincing the person to consider treatment.
  • If a person refuses rehab, avoid guilt-tripping and offer unconditional support.
  • Involuntary commitment is possible for minors or critical cases.
  • After enrolling in rehab, provide continuous support to help them commit to recovery.
  • Stay connected, avoid boasting about achievements, and offer emotional and financial support.
  • Seek support for yourself and create a sober environment around the recovering addict.
  • Be patient and understanding throughout the recovery process.

Getting a person willingly into rehab can be a challenging task because most of the time drug addicts are in denial that they need help. It is important to look out for the signs of addiction and take a very careful approach with such people in order to get them to seek help willingly as “the consequences of addictions on health and psychological well-being (e.g., social exclusion, invalidity, physical illness), as well as on global social and economic concerns (e.g., reinsertion programs, health-related costs), are heavy” (Prevalence and characteristics of addictive behaviors in a community sample: A latent class analysis, Deleuze et al., 2015).

Here are a few signs of addiction you need to look out for if you suspect a loved one might be addicted:

  • Bad coordination
  • Sudden weight loss
  • Lack of empathy
  • Obsessive thoughts
  • Denying using drugs
  • Slurred Speech
  • Changes in pupils
  • Sudden violent behavior

If there is something that you feel is off about their behavior, you should try and confront them to help control the substance abuse in time. Before you approach the person and convince them to get professional help, you can do some research to gather information and figure out a substance abuse treatment program for them that they are best suited to their need. Here are some of the substance abuse treatment options.

Treatment Options for Substance Abuse and Alcohol Addiction:

1. Inpatient Rehabilitation

Inpatient rehab centers are excellent for providing clinical substance abuse treatment and round-the-clock supervision which is really important in the first stages of recovery from substance and alcohol use disorders. The statement starts with medicated detox to help a person get rid of all the toxic chemicals and substances in their body, along with other suited medications. Inpatient rehabilitation is the best option for substance abuse treatment for people who have been long-term drug abusers. This is because an inpatient rehabilitation program can reduce healthcare costs and improve patient outcomes, as it would increase functional independence, reduce re-admission rates and length of stay, and would improve quality of life.

2. Partial Hospitalization

Partial hospitalization is a rather flexible treatment option and helpful for people who can’t spend the night in the treatment facility. Residents are free to leave and come back for treatment. This is a great option for mild drug abusers and those who aren’t completely dependent on drugs yet and aren’t showing symptoms that it can be dangerous to leave them on their own.

3. Outpatient Rehabilitation

Outpatient rehabilitation is an ideal option for somebody who cannot get enrolled in a rehab center due to complications. This treatment offers counseling by professionals, therapies, and other sorts of substance abuse treatment programs. This program can be customized to suit a person’s needs for example they can provide gender-specific treatment, 12-step integration that represent readily available, no-cost community-based resources, community-based therapy, etc. This is also a great option for those who have to travel a lot.

Now that you know the possible treatment options, here comes the most crucial part, i.e. to convince the person to check into rehab. There are some steps you can follow to convince them to sign up for addiction recovery, and what to do if they refuse to go.

Outpatient treatment facility

4. Talk Without Confrontation

It is crucial to you adopt are non-confrontational tone when talking to someone about their addiction. Find the right time and place and think about what you want to say to them. Make sure they are comfortable with the conversation. It is important that you show them compassion and make them feel that you are not judging them or being aggressive towards them and that you are worried for them and their physical and mental health.

You can make a point by telling them the consequences of not getting help at this point and what they are putting at risk. You can also help them look at the brighter side by telling them the benefits of being sober and what they’re missing out on.  Make positive real friend missions and layout options for them to go to rehab. If the other person feels you are concerned for them more than just trying to get rid of them by getting them into rehab, they’re more likely to listen to you.

5. Addiction Intervention

Addiction intervention includes talking to a person individually or by a group effort for example with the help of family members and close friends to get together and discuss the addiction issue. An addiction intervention has to be really carefully planned and it is recommended to get the help of a substance abuse counselor or other professionals for this purpose. It always helps to provide examples that have affected close friends or family members and how it affected the entire family. The purpose of this is to help them realize the importance of getting help not only for their own sake but their families.

What To Do If a Person Refuses Rehab

There are chances that a person can refuse to join a rehab program despite combined efforts to convince them to go. It’s important to remember that you cannot force an involuntary commitment on loved ones. But if the condition is critical, it is possible to force them to enter an addiction treatment center. This is only an option if they’re a minor and under 18 years of age, and a guardian sign them up. Here are a few steps you can take to convince a person who’s refusing to go before considering forcing them:

1. Intervention

As already stated, intervention includes combined efforts of family, friends, and counselors to convince a person to consider treatment.

2. Don’t Guilt Trip

If all else fails, don’t guilt trip them into getting help! This is under no circumstances going to help them.

3. Offer Unconditional Support

It is important to let the person know that regardless of their decision, they have your unconditional support throughout. This makes it easier to have a heartfelt conversation when they feel comfortable.

offering unconditional support to someone

4. Stop Supporting the Abuse

As a parent or a friend, we’re often the instigators of drug or alcohol addiction. If you feel like you are one, stop funding it immediately. If the person is not able to pay for basic necessities for themselves and you feel obligated to support them which is in turn supporting their addiction, stop doing that and make them realize this is time to get help.

5. Medical Approach

It is more likely that a professional will not fall prey to the excuses of an addict and look past that to identify the substance abuse problem and suggest possible options for help. They might even be able to get the person to join rehab.

6. Stop Denying

It is entirely possible that you might be denying the fact that your loved one is suffering and is in need of a forced rehab and the situation might become life-threatening.

However different states have laws regarding involuntary commitment for those who refuse to get help. If the person you are seeking help for is an adult, you will need to follow certain standard procedures:

  • Provide documented proof that they are a drug addict.
  • The person is showing violent behavior toward themselves and towards other people.
  • The person cannot care for themselves anymore and need intensive supervision.

Under these circumstances, it’s possible to get a court-ordered enrolment to get someone into a rehab center like Lantana. It is sometimes a cause of concern that using a court-ordered rehab permit to get someone into rehab reduces its effect, but contrary to popular opinion, when a person starts to stay sober they realize that this was for their own good and they needed help.

It is important to not only figure out how to get someone into rehab but to help them stay committed.

How to Help a Loved One Stay Committed to Recovery

Once you are able to enroll a person in an addiction treatment center, the work doesn’t end there. At times people find it hard to commit to rehabilitation because they feel left out and make no significant progress. At such times, you have to stay supportive of your loved ones to help tackle drug use and commit to the recovery plan. Here are some options for offering support:

1. Keep Them In The Loop

Make sure your loved one doesn’t feel left out because of staying connected to the recovery process. It is possible for them to feel that others have moved on without them and they’re not a useful part of society. Visit them often and make them feel more involved.

2. Avoid Bragging About Achievements

While it is important to keep them in a loop, don’t boast about your accomplishments in front of the recovering in order to avoid giving them an inferiority complex. You might want to just share it with your loved one but you have to tiptoe around them for a while so they can stay committed to the treatment and tackle the substance use disorders.

3. Offer Support

Offering support during rehab at Lantana means reassuring them that you are there for them whether it’s for providing emotional support or helping them fund their treatment. The more supported and understood they feel, the more they will want to get better.

offering help to someone to get into rehab
Image Credits:

4. Get Support

Not only your loved one needs support during this time but you need all the help you can get to stay motivated to be by their side and to manage the emotional stress.

You can join a support group for families and share experiences and struggles with people who are familiar with the situation.

5. Encourage a Sober Environment

It is important to create a sober environment around the recovering addict. Avoid:

  • drinking alcohol
  • smoking
  • recreational drugs

in front of them. It’s helpful for them to stay sober when others around them are encouraging sobriety as well. Addiction is often influenced by their company and environment and creating a sobriety-encouraging environment will help them maintain their sobriety for the long term.

6. Be patient

Dealing with this situation can sometimes get frustrating but the key is to stay patient. Recovery is not an overnight process and needs a constant effort from the recovering addict and their family and friends to handle the situation and ensure that long-term sobriety can be maintained. Don’t show signs of frustration in front of your loved one to avoid making them feel embarrassed and abandon the progress they are making. Find a different and positive output to project your feelings into.

Bottom Line

Addiction is a sensitive topic indeed and needs careful consideration so you can encourage rehabilitation in a way that doesn’t hurt anyone’s feelings. There are various treatment options available for them depending upon their level of addiction and needs, for example, in-patient and out-patient treatment facilities or Lantana Recovery. You cannot force an involuntary commitment but seek legal help and make the person realize they need help and get enrolled into a treatment facility. The key is to stay patient and not lose hope in any case. Your unconditional support will be required to help your loved one get through this tough situation and it’s important that they feel listened to and understood. Try to not make them feel alienated and isolate them because of their addiction. The more supported they feel, the more motivated they will be to start rehab and maintain sobriety for a longer period of time.



Warren Phillips

Warren is a Licensed Master Social Worker, who specializes in substance abuse and mental health treatment. Clinically, Warren has developed a therapeutic skillset that utilizes a strengths-based perspective, Twelve Step philosophies, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Motivational Interviewing.

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Charleston South Carolina

Charleston South Carolina

Located on the historic peninsula of Charleston, South Carolina, Lantana Recovery takes a modern approach to Substance Use Disorder treatment, offering intensive clinical care while also immersing our clients in local Charleston culture.