It can be difficult to think about getting help for a drinking or drug problem. You may need rehabs in Charleston to get you get sober. Some people feel like they can quit on their own, while others are worried about what will happen if they seek help. If you’re considering attending Alcoholics or Narcotics Anonymous (AA or NA) meetings, you might be wondering how many meetings are available in Charleston. Here’s a breakdown of what you can expect to find.
As of December 2018, there were a total of 36 AA meetings and 14 NA meetings being held in Charleston. That comes out to about 3 AA meetings and 1 NA meeting per day. While that may not seem like a lot, it’s important to remember that not every meeting is right for everyone. There are different types of meetings available, and it’s okay to try out a few before you find the one that’s the best fit for you.
Different Types of AA/NA Meetings in Charleston
One thing that can be helpful to know before attending your first AA or NA meeting is that there are different types of meetings available. Here are some of the most common Charleston AA and NA meetings:
* Open meetings AA/NA in Charleston:
These meetings are open to anyone who wants to attend, including people who are interested in learning more about AA/NA, families and friends of people struggling with addiction, and people who are struggling with addiction themselves.
* Charleston Closed AA/NA meetings:
Closed meetings are only open to people who identify as alcoholics or addicts. This creates a safe space for people to share their experiences without judgement.
* Men’s only/Women’s only:
As the name suggests, these meetings are only open to men or women respectively. This can provide a level of comfort and safety for some people who feel more comfortable sharing in an all-male or all-female environment.
* Speaker meetings:
In speaker meetings, someone who has been sober for awhile tells their story of addiction and recovery. This can provide hope and motivation for those who are just starting out on their journey.
* Step study meetings:
These kinds of meeting focus on working through the 12 steps together as a group. This can provide accountability and support as you work to overcome your addiction.
attending your first meeting
Concluding Charleston based Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotic Meetings
If you’re not sure where to start, try attending an open meeting first. This will give you an opportunity to see what AA/NA is all about without making any commitments. When you’re ready to take the next step, reach out to your local chapter for more information about closed meetings in your area.
Deciding whether or not to get help for a drinking or drug problem is a big decision. If you’re considering going to AA or NA meetings, Charleston has 36 AA and 14 NA options available. There are also different types of meetings available, so you can find one that fits your needs and comfort level. If you’re not sure where to start, try attending an open meeting first. Then reach out to your local chapter for more information about closed meetings in your area.
If you live outside of Charleston, you might wanna check narcotics and alcoholics anonymous meetings in Greenville, South Carolina, or alcoholics and narcotics anonymous meetings in Columbia, SC.